Consonant Blends Lesson Plan (CVCC Words / CCVC Words): Reading Games

Lesson plan for using with the consonant blends reading game software. If you do not have the software installed please use the button below to install.


Consonant Blends Lesson Plan for Interactive Whiteboard or Computer Lab


Context of Lesson

Learn to read words by: identifying individual phonemes then learning how to blend them together to form words.

Resources Required

Consonant Blends reading software, interactive whiteboard or computer suite/lab, consonant blend alphabet and digraph flashcards, mini alphabet and digraph flashcards, zebra puppet (needed for lesson starter 2), small sack or bucket (needed for lesson starter 2), mini individual whiteboards with pens (or paper and pens), homework sheets

Learning Objectives

a. Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling)

b. Word Structure and Spelling:

Using the Reading Game: Consonant Blend Lesson Starters

Lesson Starter Option 1:

Lesson Starter Option 2:

Lesson Starter Option 3:

Consonant Blends Reading Game: Main Activity

Plenary 1:

Teacher to write the CV graphemes of the words in the game on the whiteboard. Teacher to hand-out individual mini whiteboards and pens to each student in the class. Teacher to sound out first CV element... and then ask the class which word from the game is this the beginning of (or end if using the CCVC software)? Students to write the word on their mini whiteboards. Continue until all words have been completed.

Plenary 2:

Give mini alphabet and digraph cards to child: working with a partner one child to shuffle the cards and present them one at a time to their partner. Partner to say what sound (i.e. phoneme) the grapheme makes. Partner to agree or disagree.

Plenary 3:

If the lesson is taking place in the computer suite/lab then teaching assistant to support students to load a word processing programme; working in pairs one student to say a word from the game and the other student to type the word. Partner to check the typed word by sounding it out. If further lesson extension is needed then write simple sentences that include a word from the interactive whiteboard game.

Literacy Homework:

Using the consonant blends homework sheet; student to complete the partially constructed words in the sentence so that the sentences make sense. Book marks from the interactive reading game are also available to aid word recognition.

Popular consonant clusters covered by this lesson plan and our software include:


CVCC Words

CCVC Words

Consonant blends screen grab

Consonant blends game screen grab

Consonant blends game screen grab

Consonant blends game screen grab

Consonant blends screen grab

consonant blends CVCC word resources

consonant blends CVCC word resources

consonant blends CVCC word resources

consonant blends CVCC word resources homework worksheet