Reading Games Lesson Plan: Long Vowel Phonemes - 'i-e' and 'igh'

- Interactive Whiteboard Lesson Plan
- Individual Computer Lesson Plan


Interactive Whiteboard Lesson Plan


  • Look at the long vowel phonemes i-e and igh at the bottom of the reading game
  • Look at the incomplete words in the box
  • Drag the correct long vowel to form an i-e word or an igh word
  • Continue until all words are complete - watch Mango make her way up the tree
  • Continue until reading game is finished
  • Undo an answer by clicking on the bee

Context of Lesson

To use the correct long vowel phoneme, i-e or igh, to form new words

Resources Required

Interactive whiteboard, individual whiteboards and pens, words from the reading game ((A4 pdf) ride, side, five, wide and high, thigh, night, light), list of words (A4 pdf) from the game, prepared homework sheet (A4 pdf)

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize and use alternative ways of spelling the phonemes already taught, e.g. i-e sound can be spelt with igh
  • Begin to understand which words contain which spelling alternatives

Using the Reading Game

  • Teacher to hold up the word cards: ride, side, five, wide and high - ask pupils to say the words. Then show the word cards: high, thigh, night, and light - ask the pupils to say these words. Remind pupils that words often sound the same but are spelt differently.
  • Teacher to load the interactive reading game Long Vowel Phonemes: Making Words with the i-e and igh Sound on to the classroom's interactive whiteboard. Explain to the pupils that they are going to help Mango get to her nest by putting the correct sound for each word.
  • Teacher to start the game and model clicking and dragging the i-e and igh sounds to complete words - ensuring that each new word is sounded out as it is formed. Encourage the whole class to participate.
  • Allow pupils to play the reading game by selecting them one-by-one to come to the interactive whiteboard to click and drag sounds. Involve as many pupils as possible, this may mean playing the game more than once.
  • PLENARY: Split the class into two groups. The i-e group and the igh group, and give out the individual small whiteboards and pens. Ask pupils to write as many words from the game as they can remember using their group's sound. Teacher and teaching assistant to each work with a group, prompting and scribing for less able, and encouraging to write more words for the more able. End the literacy lesson by asking pupils to show their boards and for each group to say one new word that was NOT in the reading game. Teacher to put up the list of words from the game so that pupils can check their answers.

Literacy Homework

Complete the prepared homework sheet by choosing the correct sound to complete a word in the given sentences.
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Individual Computer / Computer Suite Lesson Plan


  • Look at the long vowel phonemes i-e and igh at the bottom of the reading game
  • Look at the incomplete words in the box
  • Drag the correct long vowel to form an i-e word or an igh word
  • Continue until all words are complete - watch Mango make her way up the tree
  • Continue until reading game is finished
  • Undo an answer by clicking on the bee

Context of Lesson

To use the correct long vowel phoneme, i-e or igh, to form new words

Resources Required

Interactive whiteboard, PCs or laptops, word processing programme, small card (A4 pdf) with the i-e sound on it, small card (A4 pdf) with the igh sound on it, prepared homework sheet (A4 pdf)

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize and use alternative ways of spelling the phonemes already taught, e.g. i-e sound can be spelt with igh
  • Begin to understand which words contain which spelling alternatives
  • Use keyboard to type simple texts
  • Word process short narrative and non-narrative texts

Using the Reading Game

  • Teacher to show the class the small card with the i-e sound on it - ask pupils to say this sound and to give some i-e words. Teacher could suggest a couple, e.g. five, ride.
  • Then show the small card with the igh sound on it and explain that igh sounds the same as i-e but is used in different words - can the class think of any igh words? Teacher may suggest some to start the process, e.g. night, light...
  • Teacher to load the interactive reading game Long Vowel Phonemes: Making Words with the i-e and igh sound on to the computer suite's interactive whiteboard. Read the on-screen instructions with the class, then start the game and model clicking and dragging the i-e and igh sounds to complete the words. Do the words look right?
  • Pupils to play the game in pairs or singly, depending on availability of PCs or laptops.
  • Encourage pupils to take turns and to help one another with difficult words.
  • Teacher and teaching assistant to move between pupils to assist. Or could work with a specific group or pair, of either higher or lower ability, to help or extend depending on the group.
    As pupils complete the game they should move to a word processing programme and type as many of the words from the reading game as they can remember. Those working in pairs could take each sound and type a word, taking turns.
  • PLENARY: Teacher to select pupils to give a word from the game. Teacher to list in two columns on the whiteboard, which sound has the most words - did we get all the words from Mango's reading game?

Literacy Homework

On the prepared homework sheet, pupils to list as many words as they can remember from the reading game, plus try to find some new ones.
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