Reading Games Lesson Plan: Long Vowel Phonemes - 'ir'

- Interactive Whiteboard Lesson Plan
- Individual Computer Lesson Plan


Interactive Whiteboard Lesson Plan


  • Click and drag the long vowel ir sound to make new words
  • Click the instruction box for the next word, or to make Mango go flying with her friends
  • Continue clicking and dragging the ir sounds until the reading game is complete

Context of Lesson

To make ir words by clicking and dragging the ir sound

Resources Required

Interactive whiteboard, small individual whiteboards and pens, small card (A4 pdf) with the ir sound on, enlarged copies (A4 pdf) of words from the reading game (skirt, bird, third, shirt, dirt, first, firm, girl, twirl), prepared literacy homework sheet (A4 pdf)

Learning Objectives

  • To recognise, read and spell words constructed with the long vowel ir sound
  • Identify the constituent parts of the two-syllable and three-syllable words to support the application of phonic knowledge and skills

Using the Reading Game

  • Teacher to hold up the small card showing the ir sound and ask the class if they can generate some words that might contain an ir sound. Teacher could start this off by giving the word bird.
  • When several words have been given, teacher to then load the interactive reading game Long Vowel Phonemes: Making Words with the ir Sound on to the interactive whiteboard.
  • Teacher to read the on-screen instructions with the class, then to model clicking and dragging the ir sound to make new ir words. Teacher to sound out each new ir word as it is formed.
  • Select pupils to come to up to the interactive whiteboard one at a time to click and drag the ir sound. Encourage the whole class to participate in sounding out the new ir word.
  • Allow the pupils to play the reading game and if time allows, play the game twice so that more pupils have an opportunity to play.
  • PLENARY: Teacher to return the reading game back to its start page, hand out the individual whiteboards and pens. Ask the pupils to see how many of the ir words they can remember from the game and to write these ir words on to their whiteboard. They could work with a partner or on their own.
  • Teaching assistant to work with less able and possibly scribe words for them, encouraging them to sound out each word as the teaching assistant writes it.
  • After allowing a reasonable amount of time for this activity, teacher to progress through the reading game, or use the enlarged words (skirt, bird, third, shirt, dirt, first, firm, girl, twirl), with the pupils ticking off the words that they have remembered and written on their whiteboards.

Literacy Homework

On the prepapred literacy homework sheet pupils to choose 3 words containing the long vowel phoneme ir and write them in list form with an accompanying illustration.
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Individual Computer / Computer Suite Lesson Plan


  • Click and drag the long vowel ir sound to make new words
  • Click the instruction box for the next word, or to make Mango go flying with her friends
  • Continue clicking and dragging the ir sounds until the reading game is complete

Context of Lesson

To make ir words by clicking and dragging the ir sound

Resources Required

Interactive whiteboard, PCs or laptops, small card (A4 pdf) with the ir sound on it, picture cards (A4 pdf) with Mango in her basket, prepared homework literacy worksheet (A4 pdf)

Learning Objectives

  • To recognise, read and spell words constructed with the long vowel ir sound
  • Identify the constituent parts of the two-syllable and three-syllable words to support the application of phonic knowledge and skills
  • Use keyboard skills to compose and present work

Using the Reading Game

  • Teacher to show the class the small card with the ir sound on it and explain to pupils that they will be working with words that include this sound. Teacher could start by giving pupils one or two words that include the ir sound, e.g. bird, girl and then ask pupils to generate some more ir words.
  • Teacher to list any ir words generated on the whiteboard.
  • Teacher to load the interactive reading game Long Vowel Phonemes: Making Words with the ir Sound and read the instructions on the screen with the pupils.
  • Teacher to model clicking and dragging the ir sound, reading/sounding out each new ir word formed.
  • For extra fun, teacher could point out the height meter to the class - how high can Mango go this time?
  • Teacher and teaching assistant to ensure that the reading game is ready to play on the PCs and laptops.
  • Pupils to play in pairs or individually depending on the number of PCs/laptops available.
  • Teacher and teaching assistant to move around computers in order to ensure that the game is being played correctly and to support any pupils with help.
  • Pupils to indicate when they have completed the ir sound reading game. Pupils to collect a picture card showing Mango in her basket. Pupils to switch to a drawing programme on their PC.
  • Pupils to draw a picture of Mango and her basket. These could be printed off and used for display, or saved and completed at a later date.
  • PLENARY: Pupils to give words that they can remember from the reading game and see if they can add some more to the original list on the whiteboard.

Literacy Homework

On the prepared homework sheet, pupils to list some ir words.
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