Frequently asked questions

I'm getting an error message when I click INSTALL NOW...
Some specific operating systems don't like the installer... follow our two simple steps to install without the installer: two step install

I haven't received my serial number...
Your serial number is sent automatically after purchase. Some spam filters will annoyingly filter it out. Please check your spam/junk folders to find the serial number or email us: and we'll send it to you asap.

Software doesn't accept serial number...
Please make sure you enter the serial number including the dashes, make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces (latter can happen if you copy and paste the number). Also, please make sure you're entering your email into the lefthand software field and the serial number into the righthand software field.

Software says that serial number is already in use...
If you receive this message, have you installed the software on another computer? If so please run the software on the other computer and unregister the serial number by clicking Registration Details and then following the on-screen prompts. This will then free up the number for the computer you wish for the software to be installed on.

Software says that email address is not recognised...
If you have bought through PayPal then please ensure you're are registering the software with your PayPal email address.

Do I need a PayPal account to make a purchase?
No you don't need a PayPal account. When clicking through to PayPal, read the text in the lefthand column and follow the instructions

Will I have to renew my license?
No, you’ve purchased it and it’s yours

What if I change my computer?
No worries, simply use the unregister link in the software to unregister your serial number. Download the software on to your new computer and re-register. Easy!

Can I use the software on an interactive whiteboard?
Yes you can... and with PCs, Macs, desktops and laptops...

What’s Adobe AIR?
It’s a new product from Adobe - allowing Flash based projects to run on your computer. Think of it like Flash player, but for your desktop... once you’re got AIR installed you can benefit from all the Adobe AIR widgets and applications that are being made. Take a look at the Adobe AIR market place.

What about technical support for the software?
It’s a simple software application which has been thoroughly tested so we’re not anticipating any issues but if you do have any questions please email

How many computers can I use the software on?
Only on one computer and for one user login, please buy extra serial numbers if the software needs to be installed on more than one machine, or for more than one user.

Can I use the software with a Mac?
Yes, and a PC... you only need one version which is downloaded from this page.

Can I use the software with a PC?
Yes, and a Mac... you only need one version which is downloaded from this page.

Are all the games on going to be for sale?
No, only the NEW content that we make. There’s still 85+ interactive resources, plus hundreds of worksheets you can use for FREE.